Just In Case You Were Wondering…

…no, the Republicans will not in fact learn a goddam thing from this election.

Exhibit A: Jason Chaffetz pledges two years of investigations if Hillary dares to get elected

Exhibit B: Not to outdone, Judicial Watch and the Right Wing Howler Monkey Media Chorus demand to know why Hillary hasn’t already been impeached

Exhibit C: First John McCain then Ted (Zodiac Killer) Cruz pledge to block all SCOTUS nominees as long as Hillary is president

No matter how large Hillary’s margin of victory, no matter if they lose the Senate or even the House, no matter the fact that this will mark 6 out of the last 7 presidential elections where the Republicans will have lost the popular vote, they will. not. change. Obstructionism has been baked into the GOP since at least Newt Gingrich. Elections are NEVER over, elections NEVER have consequences unless Republicans win, and Democrats are NEVER legitimately elected. My only hope is that Hillary knows this and, unlike Obama, will not waste a moment attempting to negotiate with them. If she gets both Houses of Congress, she should ram through a progressive agenda like LBJ, front-loaded with things like a stimulus package and student loan debt relief that will produce quick results;,if she doesn’t take the House, spend the next 2 years putting up popular proposals for them to shoot down and campaigning like hell for 2018. That’s how you get Capone. Play hard ball from Day One.

Published in: on October 26, 2016 at 9:00 pm  Leave a Comment  

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